Sunday, December 23, 2007

Gerakan Objectives

1. Constitution Of Malaysia & Rukunegara
To honour and uphold the Constitution of Malaysia and to sustain the tenets of the Rukunegara.

2. Egalitarian Malaysian Society
To strive for an egalitarian Malaysian Society based on humanitarian and democratic principles and to ensure social and economic justice by:

  • eliminating any exploitation and giving full opportunity to everyone for legitimate economic advancement;
  • promoting a just and equitable distribution of wealth;
  • providing adequate and efficient facilities and amenities with proper regulatory control to ensure fair and just pricing;
  • ensuring the ownership of economic lots of land by tile peasants and others and their efficient utilisation;
  • encouraging and promoting healthy trade unionism and uplifting the conditions and standard of living of the working population;
  • eliminating all forms of gender-based discrimination.

To preserve and strengthen the unity and the, happiness of the people in a spirit of understanding, tolerance and goodwill.

4.Economic And Cultural Advancement
To promote and ensure the economic and cultural advancement of all communities in the development of national identity.

5.Advancement Of The Poor And The Backward
To eliminate the conditions which cause economic backwardness amongst our people; to protect the economically weak from exploitation and to encourage, assist and strengthen their participation in economic activities.

6.Civil And Other Services
To ensure well organised and efficient civil and other services.

To uphold the institution of the family.

8.Religious Tolerance
To encourage and promote respect and tolerance for the religious life of all communities.

9.Anti Corruption
To eliminate corruption in all forms.

To uphold Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language, to preserve and sustain the use and study of the Chinese, Tamil, English and other languages of the Malaysian communities.

11.Free Education
To provide free education for Children up to the age of 18.

12.Co-operation With Other Political Organisations
To co-operate with other political organisations with similar aims and objects on a Malaysian basis in joint

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